Features and habits of centenarians

Features and habits of centenarians

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For a long time, geneticists have been interested in unraveling how centenarians differ from ordinary people?
Here are the latest medical theories.

Genetic predisposition

Genes are the first thing scientists are interested in when it comes to centenarians. And, although no special “longevity genes” have been found, such people have some similarities. Most centenarians have close relatives who have lived long lives. For example, relatives met in 5 generations.

In addition, scientists have found a number of similar genetic mutations that occur in those who have lived 100 years or more.

Moderate diet and normal weight

Among the Japanese, among whom are the most centenarians, the popular opinion is that you need to be 80% full, that is, get up from the table a little hungry. Well-known centenarians from other countries confirm this theory: not all of them ate perfectly right, but everyone had a body mass index even slightly below normal.


Mediterranean and Japanese diets are the best.

The longest life expectancy is among the inhabitants of Japan, and the oldest woman in the world lived in the south of France. The Japanese consume a lot of fish and seafood, the French – olive oil, a lot of vegetables and fruits. All this is much healthier than fried red meat, fatty sauces and other dishes popular in many countries.

Social life

Centenarians are distinguished by the absence of mental changes characteristic of people of their age. They do not suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other brain damage. Many scientists believe that, along with genetics, the preservation of the brain ensures their activity in society. For example, American Gertrude Weaver attended classes for retirees even after her 115th birthday. Most centenarians continue to work and engage in social activities until old age.


Regular physical activity

Constant physical activity really helps to noticeably prolong life, and those who have crossed the centennial milestone are proof of this. Most of them went in for sports from their youth and retained this habit until old age: for example, Jeanne Calment rode a bicycle and practiced fencing until she was 100 years old.

Intellectual activity

With age, it becomes more difficult to engage in intellectual work, but those who live long and remain sane continue to do this until old age. Almost all centenarians retained a clear consciousness until death: the researchers recorded that even at 115 years old, many of them were able to solve mathematical problems and read rather complex books. The absence of intellectual activity accelerates the aging of the brain and contributes to the development of problems in its work.

 Communication with younger people

Scientists have found that in adulthood, communication with young people has a positive effect on the psychological state and makes you feel younger. People who work hard or hang out with younger people often feel better than their peers.

In addition, communication with the younger generation makes you feel more needed and significant. If we talk about centenarians, then Marie-Simon Caponi, who lived for 113 years, never had children, but she raised her nephews and nieces, and also worked as a librarian until she was very old and loved to communicate with people very much.

Rich spiritual life

Almost all centenarians believed in God and were adherents of some religion. Scientists confirm: the development of spirituality can really prolong life. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether a person is a Catholic or a Buddhist – it is not religion itself that helps, but first of all the social community that believers feel. Those who are actively involved in the life of their religious community or organization, as a rule, have a fairly large social circle. And people around whom there are a lot of like-minded people feel happier, experience less stress and are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

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