Health and immunity


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Our health and progress

Health is the most important thing for all mankind. But in the modern world, progress is advancing everywhere, affecting the general deterioration of the world ecology and nutrition in particular. The progress of production leads to an increase in radiation and an increase in chemical waste. Our health is deteriorating day by day, and so far neither the doctors nor the scientists of the world have an answer. Now it has become clear that our immunity cannot cope with the work of protecting the body from new viruses and bacteria. Therefore, taking care of healthy immunity has become the main concern of all medical scientists in the world. It became clear that the food and chemical industries feed us and kill us at the same time. It is impossible to feed the entire globe and all the hungry, and even more so to cure it. To take a vivid example, what is happening today, killing the world’s population, is the SARS-2 Covid 19 virus. For two years now, the world’s population has been living hard and in special quarantine conditions. Every year, the virus Covid 19 varies and changes from season to season. This is an indicator of the helplessness of the entire medicine of the world in the face of the threat of a small virus. This practice has shown the whole world how dangerous it is, that it is already useless to use antibiotics. All quickly compiled vaccines work only for a specific type of infection. And now it is clear that we need to adapt to new living conditions and without universal vaccination of mankind, the world will not survive.


To be vaccinated or not? What underlies our health today?

More and more, recently, sick children are born with autoimmune diseases, and senile diseases have begun to get younger. Research by world scientists over the past 60 years has made it possible to establish that our innate and acquired immunity is the basis of health.

What is innate immunity?

In the first hours after birth, the mother passes on to her children, at the cellular level through colostrum, her protective mechanism: the cellular memory of good and bad cells that keep the newborn alive. Valuable colostrum is when it contains about 2% Transer factors. Good maternal immunity transmits with it information about protection against external bacteria and viruses. This is a reliable protective program for the proper functioning of children’s immunity. It is the presence of transfer factors of immunity that determines whether a newborn lives or dies. Veterinarians know that if newborn calves are not given colostrum from a calving cow in the first hours of life, they will all die. Our babies have been in a situation of not receiving maternal colostrum for the past decades. Medicine decided that colostrum is superfluous, not high-quality mother’s milk, and babies were put on only on the third day of their birth. From this, problems began to occur in infants, at least, like an allergy, and more, congenital injuries. But most importantly, autoimmune diseases have become the most common disease in both children and adults.


It is known that the information state of the cells of the immune system is of decisive importance for maintaining human health. There are normally about 1 trillion of them. How to make them work correctly? What to do if you get sick more than you enjoy life?

What new doctors of the world offer?

There is an excellent offer, the Know-How of an American medical scientist. You will learn new information about him and his invention. Namely: how to help yourself and your loved ones do without drugs and operations. Here is information that will offer you the best drugs that have long been used in the practice of healthcare in the world. Only a narrow circle of smart and competent doctors use them as the main additive in treatment programs. Medical scientists in practice are very successful in solving the most complex health problems of their patients. On this site you will find answers on how to adapt in this aggressive world of viruses and bacteria. How to start a healthy lifestyle without drugs and operations.
Knowing about new and effective drugs will change your concept of health and help in rejuvenation. New knowledge will renew your life, making it comfortable and prosperous.
