Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism


“Today we know that pulmonary arterial hypertension (high pulmonary arterial pressure) results from complications of a pulmonary embolism. This has been going on for over ten years. I found out about it too late. It was difficult to breathe, my hands were wet, and I was very tired,” says Esther, who went to the doctor. The doctor prescribed vitamins and that was it. He did not consult with experts, he could not understand what my problem was, and I, like other patients, was treated for asthma, allergies, but there was no improvement.

And when I had a heart attack, he took my hand, looked into my eyes and said: “He (a heart attack) has gone too far!” He explained that I was incurable and that a medicine that would slow down the disease would cost a million forints a month. He talked about the possibility of a lung transplant, the risk of a transplant, and ultimately that I had to go to the hospital the next day.

Calvin Esther (65) Economist. After a broken leg and a long recovery, deep vein thrombosis formed, which turned into a pulmonary embolism and eventually ended in a heart attack ….

“I couldn’t understand the fact that I could have months to live.”

As pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) worsens, the pulmonary arteries narrow, their walls thicken, and their elasticity decreases. It is more difficult for the heart to pump blood through them, which increases blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries. Because less blood passes through the lungs, the body receives less oxygen and causes fatigue and shortness of breath. In order for the heart to deliver blood to the lungs, the right side of the heart must work harder, causing that side of the heart to enlarge. If the disease is not treated, the heart can become exhausted due to overwork. A year later, the situation was suddenly resolved: the manager of the National Health Insurance Fund (formerly: OEP) took the medicine, and the participants received it for the price of a box of only 300 forints.

Currently, the number of patients with PAH is estimated at about five hundred, but there may be thousands who have not yet been diagnosed. The tragedy of the disease is that more and more young children, expectant mothers and premature babies are diagnosed with high pulmonary arterial pressure, and the disease becomes more and more aggressive, and more and more drugs are required.


The immune company 4life Researchu USA, recently developed the drug (2022), as a vitamin supplement with transfer factor, for patients with pulmonary problems, read, order:https://transferfactor.hu/en/4life-transfer-factor-lung/

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