Life style – healthy

Life style – healthy


Each morning you have the whole day ahead of you, and there is no better way to start than with a good breakfast, looking after your nutrition. It is also important to combine a good diet with exercise. However, you can still do more. As important as exercise is a stretching routine that will keep your joints healthy and improve flexibility and agility. I try to start each day with one of my passions: going out to run a minimum of 5 km. I prepare before I leave with the best sports supplements and my favourite blend: Glutamine™ and Renuvo™. After my run, I spend some time checking social media while I enjoy a good recovery with Fibro AMJ™ and PRO-TF™, the best and most delicious protein on the market. In this second edition of the 4Life Style Magazine we invite you to discover the importance of stretching and to find out how you can achieve transformation in a different way with the 4Life products. “We invite you to discover the importance of stretching”.

RAFAEL FERNÁNDEZ European Vice President, 4Life Research USA.


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