Signs of diabetes are your legs.

Signs of diabetes are your legs.

Diabetes 1-2

One of the health problems of the entire population of the planet is diabetes, which does not deteriorate from taking medications, but gets worse and younger every year.

What reasons?

There are many of them.
If we sit in a pose and there is no blood circulation for a long time. Or you find numbness in your legs during sleep, this is one of the signs of diabetes.
Numbness and tingling in the extremities is a common complaint in diabetes, someone is diagnosed with diabetes without investigating the cause. But in vain, this human condition leads to an increase in blood sugar levels, with gradual damage to the nerve endings in the extremities, the so-called peripheral neuropathy. It is very important that the patient pay attention to healthy blood sugar levels, because this can stop the deterioration of nerve endings, not leading to amputation of the legs.


In addition to diabetes, nerve damage can result from other health problems, such as alcoholism seen in many cases. He writes in the journal Men’s Health. Moreover, it is not uncommon for it to occur as one of the side effects of chemotherapy. A neurologist can help us determine the exact cause of the problem.
Back to the symptom of foot tunnel syndrome
Very often, the cause of tunnel of the foot syndrome is the equivalent of “foot tendinitis” – in this case, the nerve in the tunnel of the foot is under constant pressure. This is usually caused by some kind of injury or overload. Physiotherapy and wearing appropriate footwear and relaxation can help you recover.
And if we already mentioned shoes: Shoes that are too tight can suppress the nerve in our foot all the time, and this can cause tingling. The best we can do is go to a podiatrist to help you choose the shoe or insole that best suits us. However, in more severe cases, surgery may be required – your doctor will also decide.

Next reason
Numbness and tingling sensations can also be caused by a hernia of the spine. In such cases, numbness in the legs is often accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower back, and weakness in the legs may also occur. In more severe cases, surgery can also help.
Take care of yourself and do not bring up to operations!

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